Here at Expect A Miracle we have extensive knowledge and experience in working with women who have experienced fertility challenges due to endometriosis, PCOS, diminished ovarian reserve, blocked fallopian tubes, recurring miscarriage, failed medical attempts such as IVF and secondary fertility issues. Being fertile is the most natural process within our body and when it seems stuck, weak or broken we will jump in and help. Please feel free to contact our office with your questions. We are happy to help assist you.
Jennifer Mercier is a frequent guest on blogs and podcasts related to fertility and reproductive health. Click on the images and links below to listen in!
Looking for a guest for your blog or podcast? Contact Jennifer Mercier today!
Natural fertility preparation or to Complement IVF, IUI, etc
Regulate menstrual cycle and ovulation
Normalize hormone and endocrine systems
Improve ovarian and hormone function for better quality follicles/eggs
Increase uterine blood flow and lining
Deeply relaxing – reducing anxiety & stress
Improve the success of IVF, IUI, and other technologies
Improve Male Factor sperm quality, quantity, and motility
Decrease miscarriage
Addresses: High FSH, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), Premature Ovarian Failure, Luteal Phase defects, Endometriosis, Autoimmune infertility, and Recurrent Miscarriage